Wills of Virginia GILLIAMs, Removed to Georgia
Updated December 23, 2006
Greene County, GA
Will of Julius Alford
9 Sep 1817
To son Lodwick Alford one negro Randolph plus 100 acres of land now in his possession.
To daughter Aley Askew, a negro woman Rose
To daughter Clarey Whatley, negro woman and child Selah and Nat
To daughter Betsy Ann Boon, two negro women, Daphene and Betsey
To daughter Susan Gilliam, household furniture.
To son Zadok Alford, one negro Solomon
To daughter Rebecca Dickson, one negro woman Lucy
To daughter Patsy Cole, negro man Colton
To daughter Faithy Webb, negro man Wyatt
To Wife, land and house whereon I now live plus negroes Step, Perlina and Violet during her natural lifetime and after her death to my son Julius.
To son Julius, land and two negroes James and Jack
To daughter Mary Oglesby, two negroes Lewis and Elizabeth
To granddaughter Winney Cole, household furniture
To granddaughter Susan Webb, household items
Appoint wife Rebecca and son Julius C. Alford executors
Wit: John Garnett, Jesse Martindale, Thomas B. Garrett
Rec: 8 Sep 1820
Ebenezer Torrence, Clerk
Will Book F, page 42
Will of Martha [Taylor GILLIAM Wilburn] DeShazor
7 Sep 1820
To son Robert Gilliam, $2 for his legacy from my estate forever.
To daughter Nancy Waddell lait [sic late, formerly] Nancy Williams [should this read Gilliam?] should have $2 as her portion.
To daughter Polly Stovall lait [sic late, formerly], Polly Wilburn, negro woman named Fanny and her increase.
To daughter Martha Maddox lait [sic late, formerly], Martha Wilburn, negro named Peggy ___.
To granddaughter Louisa Blagrove Davis, $300 forever.
To son William Wilburn, Jack Wilburn and Thomas Wilburn, share equally with my daughters Polly Stovall and Martha Maddox in all my estate in Virginia and Georgia.
Appoint daughters Polly Stovall and Martha Maddox executrix and to divide residue between sons and daughters namely:
William Wilburn, Jack Wilburn, Thomas Wilburn, Polly Stovall and Martha Maddox.
Money that I left to granddaughter Louisa Blagrove Davis to be kept by my son Thomas Wilburn until she becomes of age or marries.
Wit: William I. Wilburn, Powhatan W. Stovall, William H. Ray.
Rec: 6 Apr 1822
Ebenezer Torrence, Clerk
Will Book F, page 60
[Martha Taylor is believed to be the daughter of William Taylor. She married John GILLIAM of Cumberland County, VA]
Will of Robert GILLIAM
26 May 1820
To wife Sucky C. Gilliam, all my property both real and personal except eight negroes, two to Polly Stovall, two to Josiah E. Maddox, two to Thomas Wilbourn, and two to Jack Wilburn.
Wife has priviledge of naming which negroes to be taken away in two days after my death.
Wit: John Park, Anderson Griffin, James C. Branch.
Rec: 9 Mar 1821
Ebenezer Torrence, Clerk
Will Book F, page 50.
[Robert GILLIAM appears to be the son of John GILLIAM and Martha Taylor GILLIAM Wilburn DeShazor, above]
Olgethorpe County, GA
Will of Ezekiel Gillham
6 Nov 1799
In the name of God Amen. I, Ezekiel Gillham of the state of Georgia and the county of Oglethorpe, being sick and weak of body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be giving unto God. calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this, my last will and testament, that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body recommended to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial, at the discretion of my exs. Nothing doubting, but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty Power of God, and as touching such worldly estate as it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give _________ and dispose of in the following manner and form.
1st I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Sarah my gray mare her saddle and bridle, and also all my household and kitching furniture of every kind.
2nd Item I give and bequeath to my beloved son Jacob Gillham three dollars
3rd Item I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Polley Good three dollars.
4th Item I give and bequeath to my beloved son Thomas Gillham three dollars
5th Item I give and bequeath to my beloved son Charles Gillham three dollars
6th Item I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Peggey Mooney three dollars
7th Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Nancy Griffin three dollars
8th Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Ezekiel Gillham three dollars
9th That my Negro fellow Ralph be sold at my wife's decease, and equally divided between my two beloved daughters, Ruth Gillham and Edith Gillham
10thly After all my lawful debts and that legatirs are paid I leave and bequeath to my beloved wife all and singular the property that I possess to dispose of amongst her children as she may think best
Lastly I hereby constitute make and ordain my dearly beloved wife Sarah Executrix and beloved sons Thomas and Charles Gilham executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this sixth day of November seventeen hundred and ninety nine, and in the twenty fourth year of American Independence.
Sig: Ezekiel Gillham
Signed sealed and acknowledged by the said Ezel. Gilham to be his last will and testament in presents of us
Wit: Richard McCree, William McCree
Recorded July the Tenth day 1800
Will Book A, 1793-1807, Page 97-8
Wilkes County, GA
Will of Peter GILLIAM
Administrator Appointed 15 Jul 1794
Wilkes County, VA
Jesse Heard app. admr., 15 Jul 1794.
Note of Wm. Maxwell & Wm. Cox for £10, 5 s, Signed 1 Jan 1794.
Receipts 8 Oct 1800 to Jesse Herd, Admnr. from Evan Price, Ewing Morrow, Ann, Patsy & Charles GILLIAM and Jos. Morrow legacies in full.
[It is believed that Peter is the son of William GILLIAM and his wife, Mary Jarratt and brother of William GILLIAM, below.]
Will of William GILLIAM
Dated 27 Jan 1798, Probated 17 Feb 1798
Wilkes County, GA
Early Records of GA, Wilkes County, Vol. 1
all estate to brothers and sisters and heirs of John Hood, said children taking 1 share.
Bro. Devereaux GILLIAM and sister Sally Williamson Exrs.
Signed 27 Jan 1798.
Pro. 17 Feb 1798.
Devereaux GILLIAM relinquished his appointment,
3 Feb 1800.
Inventory of William GILLIAM
Dated 16 Apr 1798
Wilkes County, GA
Early Records of GA, Wilkes County, Vol. 2
Edum, Gbriel, Jones, Cloe, Mary, Chas., Dick, Miner, Silvey & Tobey & household goods.
John Gibson, Daniel Dupree, Alex Davis Apprs..
Dr. Joel Abbotts account for visit at Mr. Ellis in Oglethorp Co., attendance 40 hrs..
Salley Williamson Exec.
Deveraux GILLIAM, 5 Jun 1798,
of Richard GILLIAM, 19 Dec 1799,
of Charles, John & Jarrett GILLIAM, 12 Jan 1799, $380.00 shares in full.
Receipt of Charles GILLIAM for $1044.00 which is the full shares that Archer GILLIAM, Joice Hood, Polly Jennings, Betsy & Polly Hood the children of Joice Hood are entitled to receive under the will of William GILLIAM, dec'd., which he binds himself to pay over to them and get the receipts and transmit to GA, to said Sally Williamson Admx., 19 Dec 1799.
John Griffin wit. to receipts.
[William is the son of William GILLIAM and his wife, Mary Jarratt]